Another side of love
Complete each day with a positive lesson from your love partner
No relationship which is perfect. Every relationship struggles to solve daily differences. Some solve by maintaining peace, love and happiness but other end up in anger, jealousy, revenge and even break up. This seems to be a common pathway. Love is turned into a cage full of tears and sorrow. This destroys hope, commitment and intimacy among lovers.
Another side of LoVE comes to inspire, restore, motivate and push that love to next level of daily happiness. A journey of 22 days of learning, meditating and practice. Don’t be alone. Welcome your partner, because the new chapter of hope is coming to your love life. Focus and learn from each day. Solve your daily misunderstandings by considering Another side of LoVE.
Kitabu hiki kiko kwaajili yako uwe mchumba au mwanandoa. Kipo kukupa Imani na tumaini juu ya yule uliyemchagua na jinsi ya kuwekeza juu take.
Mapendekezo kwa ajili yako