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Comfort in God's Presence
This book, demonstrate its philosophy on the whole issue of comfort in daily life of human, People’s heart has been broken differently, many hearts are wounded, people seek comfort at a great cost, people give out their money, their personality because of soothing their souls, but in all this, comfort has been a difficult thing to be found,
Many efforts have been done with different people so that they can be safe from discomfort, and one important thing it has been forgotten that Comfort is not a result of things, but having extra ordinary Power that makes people stand firm in heavy storms;
Comfort in God’s Presence, it’s the blessing of the century, it gives direction that where specifically Your personality is supposed to be when you pass in severe storms, what you supposed to be in the time of temptation, where you supposed to be when the thick darkness spreads in front of you, because darkness makes many people to lose the potential map of their life.