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Undestanding History 1 - Form 5 & 6 notes
This book is a rich tapestry encompassing the diverse cultures, civilizations and the events that have shaped the continent. From ancient civilizations like Egypt and the impact of colonialism, struggles for independence, African history unfolds a narrative of resilience, cultural richness, and societal transformations. It includes the exploration of kingdoms, trade routes, the contributions of African societies to art, science and philosophy.
Contemporary African
history addresses post-colonial challenges, political developments and economic
issues. Studying African history provides knowledge into the continent’s
multifaceted past, fostering a deeper understanding of its people, cultures and
their global impact.
This book focuses on
Pre-colonial African societies, Africa and Europe in the 15th
century, African origin in the New world, From colonialism to first world war,
Colonial economy and social services after second world war, The influence of
external forces towards African Nationalism and the struggle for independence,
Economic, Social and Political development in Tanzania since independence.